Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice – Pre-Session

This episode was originally broadcast Jun 24, 2016

In this pre-session we straddle the equator to discuss the meanings of an expectations for how to manage/cope with/survive this powerful whammy of a combo: Summer Solstice if you’re in the northern hemisphere and Winter Solstice if you’re in the southern hemisphere, ‘downundah’ with us! Listen in to hear how Naomi C describes the experience of Northerners as “the peak of the party”, find out what going inward to face the shadow means for us Southerners…

About our Pre-Sessions: Every week, for 15 minutes or so before we began our group meditation broadcast, we opened the mics so that our members tuning in for the session could listen in while we talked about what was going on for us personally and spiritually, and what trends we were noticing. It was a fun way to get everyone settled and prepared for the journey to come, as well as a way to connect with us energetically. To listen to the One Mind Live meditation that followed, go to